marți, 29 decembrie 2009

Scriitori de sticla pentru popor de paie...

Am citit astazi o stire care m-a enervat. Nu m-a surprins. Nu m-a socat. Dar m-a enervat. Mihaela Radulescu vinde mai bine decat Herta Muller. Sau cel putin a vandut pana acum.

Nu am citit nimic de Mihaela Radulescu si nici nu o sa citesc. Macar de-al naibii. Ma enerveaza.
Nu am citit nimic de Herta Muller. dar o sa citesc. Asa de-al naibii. Poate reusesc sa schimb putin ierarhiile :).

Totusi... sa vanda Mihaela Radulescu mai mult decat Herta Muller? Niste simple raspunsuri vs. Literatura? Monte Carlo vs. Nobel? Yeack... Don't like it at all. Dar de... suntem tara in care OTV e la putere. In care suntem condusi prin voturi venite de la cei care s-au plictisit de Romania si parlare Italiana imediat ce au ajuns pe aeroportul low cost de la Baneasa. Suntem tara in care vedeta porno este vedeta si premiantii de la olimpiade nu prind 5 minute nici macar pe scroll. De ce nu ar vinde si Mihaela Radulescu mai mult decat Oana Pellea sau chiar mai mult decat Herta Muller?

Ma duc sa caut "Inca de pe atunci vulpea era vanatorul". Si o sa o citesc!

joi, 24 decembrie 2009

Cleaning Day .. yeack…!

When you are sick, you realize that you have lungs, kidneys, ears, eyes…whatever… You feel them with all your heart, soul and brain. And is not pleasant at all. You wish you didn’t know you are so humanly full of organs…
Well. It’s almost Christmas time. And usually, the days before are set for cleaning. Specially if you are married. And you have a wife.
As when you’re sick, in Cleaning Days you realize how many windows you have in your house, how many square meters of floor, how many wall corners… how many furniture pieces with dusty underneath that you have to move around like a circus clown, how many dust magnet wires coming and going from your electronic devices. It’s an ugly business and all you can hope is that Santa is having fun watching you from somewhere but still reading your wishes list.

I am a good boy Santa! Waiting for you tonight! But if you want to make some preparation fitness, come and play with me… I will keep some wiping parts for you!

duminică, 13 decembrie 2009

Selling is everything... right? Even in art?

Well... art is art you might say. But if you don't want to have your creation sold with big money only in your cofin time, it seems there are some selling rules to follow even for upscale activities like painting.
Here's some tips I found on a wall in Tate Museum, London.

joi, 3 decembrie 2009

Quote of the Day

"People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world" - CALVIN from Calvin and Hobbes

from "The 4 Hours Workweek" by Timothy Ferris.
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