joi, 24 decembrie 2009

Cleaning Day .. yeack…!

When you are sick, you realize that you have lungs, kidneys, ears, eyes…whatever… You feel them with all your heart, soul and brain. And is not pleasant at all. You wish you didn’t know you are so humanly full of organs…
Well. It’s almost Christmas time. And usually, the days before are set for cleaning. Specially if you are married. And you have a wife.
As when you’re sick, in Cleaning Days you realize how many windows you have in your house, how many square meters of floor, how many wall corners… how many furniture pieces with dusty underneath that you have to move around like a circus clown, how many dust magnet wires coming and going from your electronic devices. It’s an ugly business and all you can hope is that Santa is having fun watching you from somewhere but still reading your wishes list.

I am a good boy Santa! Waiting for you tonight! But if you want to make some preparation fitness, come and play with me… I will keep some wiping parts for you!

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